NDP 2012 Team Building

On May 1 2012, tokuAsia Pictures had it's first Team Building the and Team Learning session hosted by our generous and indefatigable Encik Lee! It was a day of learning, communication and sharing from which everyone came out winners. =)

We started our day with a scrumptious meal whipped up by Encik Lee's very talented maid. Being fans of reality TV, if it's anything we've learn from Survivor it's that a team that eats together, stays together.

After lunch, we kicked off our Team Building session with a simple, yet complicated game of "Lower the Hoop". 
This game put 7 team members together in an attempt to lower a hoola hoop to the ground together with only the top of their thumbs touching the hoop at all times. Talk about a challenge!

A series of mishaps, communication breakdowns and some out of the box ideas later, the team finally buckled down with a proper attempt and tried to get things going. 
After the exercise, our session leaders explained the importance of teamwork, communication and trust; essential to the success of any project that a team takes on. 

Next up was an introduction to our project from Encik Lee and a self-introduction session where everyone shared something about themselves, their individual aspirations for the themselves and the team. Here, everyone got to learn a bit more about each other and better understood what the team was setting out to achieve together.

For our next team building exercise, we split into 3 groups of four and had to build a bridge that was strong enough to hold the weight of a tablet with only newspaper and masking tape!

The Teams and their bridges! 

The Fastest Team

The Prettiest Bridge Team

The Function over Form Team

A short discussion on future episodes and plans for the future later, the team headed off to catch Marvel's The Avengers!

A good way to end a great day!

- Article by Victoria


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